In The Weather of the Pacific Northwest, University of Washington atmospheric scientist and popular radio commentator Cliff Mass unravels the intricacies of Northwest weather, from the mundane to the mystifying. By examining legendary floods, snowstorms, windstorms, and a wide variety of local weather features, Mass answers such puzzling questions as:
  • Why does the Northwest have localized rain shadows?
  • What causes hurricane-force winds that often buffet the region?
  • Why does the Northwest have so few thunderstorms?
  • What is the origin of the Pineapple Express?
  • Why do ferryboats sometimes seem to float above the water's surface?
  • Why is it so hard to predict Northwest weather?
  • Mass combines eyewitness accounts, historical records, and meteorological science to explain Pacific Northwest weather. He also considers possible local effects of global warming. The final chapters guide readers in interpreting the Northwest sky and in securing weather information on their own." />
    The Weather of the Pacific Northwest - by Cliff Mass

    The Weather of the Pacific Northwest - by Cliff Mass
